Digests fats, oils, greases, and other hydrocarbons quickly while improving the overall health of the system. Use in large drain lines, grease traps, septic systems, trickling filters, lift stations, laterals, settling tanks, lagoons, oxidation ponds, aerobic digesters, and anaerobic digesters. Eliminates the need for chemical metering pumps. Easier to handle than messy powders.
Half-Pound Bioenzymatic Digester Toss Bags
60 quick-dissolving bacteria pouches per pail. Formulated with a high concentration of spore-forming bacillus bacteria. Digests fats, oils, greases, and other hydrocarbons…(Read More)
Momar's Pinnacle Bioenzymatic Digester
Liquid bacteria digester that has been keeping drain lines flowing freely for customers all over the world for more than three decades. Eliminates drain clogs. Significantly…(Read More)
30-Pound Bioenzymatic Digester Block
30-day, gradual-release biodigester block. Formulated with a high concentration of spore-forming bacillus bacteria for high flow applications. Digests fats, oils, grease, ,and other hydrocarbons…(Read More)
10-Pound Bioenzymatic Digester Block
90-day, gradual-release biodigester block. Formulated with a high concentration of naturally-occuring bacteria for low to medium flow applications. Digests fats, oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons…(Read More)
2-Pound Bioenzymatic Digester Block
90-day, gradual-release biodigester block. Formulated with a high concentration of naturally-occuring bacteria for low to medium flow applications. Digests fats, oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons…(Read More)
Greenaction, Bioenzymatic Drain, Grease Trap, Lift Station, and Lagoon Digester
Hyper-concentrated bioenzymatic digester formulated with record high bacteria count of 1.1 trillion live bacteria per gallon. Contains vegetative bacteria, not spore-forming bacteria, allowing…(Read More)
Powdered Bioenzymatic Digester
Hyper-concentrated bioenzymatic digester formulated with a record high bacteria count of 2.4 trillion live bacteria per pound. Contains vegetative bacteria and spore-forming bacteria, allowing…(Read More)
Powdered Enzymatic Digester
Prevents build-up of solids and sludge in drains, grease traps, septic tanks, sewer lines and pump stations. Devours fats, oils, grease, and other hydrocarbons while reducing odors, sludge…(Read More)
All-Natural, Biological Booster and Digestive Catalyst
A bio-enhancement solution that boosts organic degradation by up to 10X. Works with indigenous biological populations or with bioenzymatic additives like Momar’s Passage Liquid, Passage…(Read More)